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WRA Chairman’s report – April 2023

Updated: May 23, 2023

It’s been a busy year since the last AGM. After 7 years of lobbying the council, works got underway to improve the roads and pavements of Warriston Drive and Terrace. We had new lighting columns installed and overall, the safety on these two streets has dramatically improved as residents can now use the pavements rather than walk down the middle of the road, as many previously did.

Whilst there are still some minor road markings to be added, the overall appearance of the neighbourhood has been enhanced and new Neighbourhood Watch Scotland signs have also been added to the lighting columns. We are very aware that at either end of Warriston Avenue resurfacing work needs to be done and the council has been informed.

Unfortunately, it looks as though the timescales to have this work completed may take as long as it did to have the works on the Drive and Terrace agreed with the council.

In June we held a very successful Queen’s Jubilee Street party with over 100 residents gathering on Warriston Avenue. There was a bake stall, raffle, competitions, street games for the kids and a street aerobics session that brought much fun and laughter to proceedings, not to mention the copious amount of food and drink that was shared by all who attended.

My thanks to the organising steering group of Norman Jack, Michele Thomson, Bill Keil, Iris Fleckenstein-Seifert, Scott Roberts, Mel Aird, Sam Lea, Elizabeth Merchant, and to Bill Tait who oversaw the accounts.

Whilst the Queen’s passing later in the year was a much more sombre affair, the street party was a fantastic event that helped bring our community together. I am glad to report that we are going to hold a smaller ‘Meet the Neighbours’ event to help celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camila on the Avenue between 4pm-6pm on Saturday 6th May.

As a reminder the WRA was set up in the early eighties under the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland initiative to ensure that the area we live in remains a secure and safe place to live. As a community we share information on crime prevention and community safety issues.

We need to remain vigilant towards crime but in recent years, more crime is now conducted online and through internet and telephone scams. The committee will need to consider how best we manage this but in a digitally connected world our online presence is important and I am especially delighted to report that our WRA Facebook site and website allows us to alert you of up to date scams and fraud.

Thanks to those that have signed up to the email alert system. I would encourage those that have not done so to contact the incoming WRA secretary Kenny McKenzie (email: and ask to be put on our email distribution list.

I mentioned in the February edition of our newsletter that one of the e-zine alerts that gave information on scams and fraudulent online activity extended to 64 pages. That seems like a lot of reading and it was, but the advice contained within that bulletin was a reminder to us all of the way that fraudsters operate and how easily we can be sucked in. Please do refer to these bulletins; they could literally save you thousands of pounds!

I’d like to pay a special thanks to our local councillors; Julie Bandel, Hal Osler and Max Mitchell for their help on local matters. They have attended our committee meetings throughout the past year and a special shout out to Max for his 100% attendance record and follow up to a number of matters that were brought to his attention.

Our local community police team continue to support the WRA and local area. Policing as we all know has changed over the years. We are a relatively crime free area but there has been a few attempted shed and garage break-ins (more so in Easter Warriston) as well as the odd reported car crime.

If we are to remain a crime free zone we need everyone to play their part in staying safe; ensuring that our houses, sheds, cars and valuables are protected from potential intruders.

At a recent meeting I referred to the committee as ‘guardians of the estate’ and our role in the community from promoting crime prevention to community engagement is one that has evolved over the years.

As part of our community involvement, my thanks go to Bill Tait and a number of volunteers who have helped maintain the Upper Goldenacre path; the wild flower meadow that leads down to the cycle path and the planting of bulbs on the grassy area at the lower end of the Drive. A further ‘community tidy up’ has been planned for 10am on Sunday 30th April and I hope to see a good turnout from Warriston residents.

I’d also like to thank everyone on our committee including our outgoing secretary Alan Shepherd; his wife Claire and to Norman Jack. Bill Tait is stepping down as Treasurer but will remain on the committee. Bill has been part of the WRA since its inception and helps across the community with various neighbourly tasks. His treasurer duties have been taken over by Lisa Sommerville.

May I also thank Bill Keil, our Neighbourhood Watch Convenor and Kim Atkinson. Both attend meetings of the Stockbridge & Inverleith Community Council where we share information on crime prevention and local issues whilst Bill ensures the smooth production and distribution of our newsletter.

Kim has also decided to stand down and Stuart Telford will remain on the committee. He has eyes and ears on all things to do with Warriston Gardens and the cemetery.

Our recruitment programme to replace, Alan, Claire, Norman and Kim has gone well and I look forward to welcoming Claire Ritchie, Sam Lea, Adam Perek and Antony Bishop

onto the committee shortly.

We are always looking for more volunteers to join so if you are keen to get involved, please do approach me or any of the committee members. Although Peter Haines is not a member of our committee, our very own ‘Bin Tzar’ ensures that the new grit bins are topped up every winter and they also contain shovels that were procured from the council.

During the year we lost a number of residents including, Greame Mitchell, Frank Tully, Johnny Allan, Jack Miller, Alison Bedoe and Terry Byant. My wife and I also attended a piano recital in Greyfriars Kirk in memory of Jean Coxson. All were ‘well kent’ faces across Warriston and interested in the community. Please accept my apologies if I missed anyone else who passed away during the year.

The WRA pay an annual contribution to the Friends of Warriston Cemetery. We are very lucky to have this peaceful spot on our doorstep and I know that a number of residents also support their good work both as active volunteers and members. It was also great to see the BBC Winter watch programme being presented from the cemetery earlier this year and I do not think I have seen so much excitement and activity in a cemetery before as the production team were setting up their filming equipment!

May I thank Walter McKay and the Goldenacre Bowling Club for allowing us to host our committee meetings and our AGM at their club.

What an asset to have on our doorstep and if you are interested in taking up bowls or using the facilities, please contact the club directly or come along and attend one of their ’Try Bowls’ days on the weekend of 29th & 30th April or 6th & 7th May.

Finally, I hope you do not mind me repeating my closing words from last year but I firmly believe that one of the joys of living in Warriston is our community spirit and sense of civic pride.

Edinburgh is a beautiful city and the Warriston estate with its close proximity to the city centre, Botanical gardens and Inverleith Park helps make our friendly neighbourhood a very special place to live. I hope that all residents feel the same way and we are grateful for your support.

That concludes my Chairman’s report from the last year.

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