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Winter Talks at the Bowling Club

Local resident, and former head gardener at the Botanic Gardens, Bill Tait will give a series of talks during the winter months. These will take place at the Goldenacre Bowling Club on the first Monday of the following months, at 7.30pm:-

October. Cherry blossom and autumn colour in Japan. This includes gardens and gardening with a visit to the Imperial Palace garden which even many Japanese never see.

November. Wild and cultivated flowers in Israel. A visit to see the converging area where plants from the west, east and Africa meet. Also the construction of a rock garden in the Jerusalem Botanic Garden.

February. Bermuda, virtually a floating botanical garden. Continuing making use of friends' knowledge of where and what to see.

An international flower show is a highlight.

March. Going Dutch. In other words, sharing the experiences of visiting Keukenhof at tulip time and visiting several private gardens . It is not solely gardens which are featured but other interesting facets. These talks will be illustrated using images.

Donations welcome to defray the cost of hiring the room. Bring your friends.

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