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Winter Readiness

Some useful tips from Neighbourhood Watch Scotland:-

Ready Scotland aim to make Scotland more resilient to emergencies. 


They know that disruptions can happen at any time and they are here to help.


They have tips on the small steps you can take to prepare your home, your family, and your business for the unexpected.  


And when emergencies do occur, they have advice on how you can best respond, keep yourself safe and help others in your community.


Whatever comes along - whether local disruption or global events - together, we can make sure that Scotland is ready for anything.


Emergency Kit and Household Plans

We recommend that all households build a small 'emergency kit' as part of their home emergency plan. The following toolkit also contains a link to the Ready Scotland home emergency plan template and emergency kit checklist available to download as a PDF or print - Home Emergency Toolkit 


Winter Readiness

Ready Scotland have prepared advice and guidance to make sure everyone has the help and support they need for all weather conditions - 


Loss of Power

Make sure you know how to stay safe at home if severe weather causes a loss of power or other utilities.


Did you know you can call 105 free of charge to report or get information about power cuts in your area? You can also call 105 if you spot damage to electricity power lines and substations - Loss of Utilities



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