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Window and Home Security

Dear All, Police Scotland has received reports of Housebreakings and Attempted Housebreakings across Edinburgh were access was gained/attempted to be gained via windows. Please ensure that all ground floor/easily accessible windows on your property are well maintained and kept secure, with appropriate locks/security devices. Consider vibration sensors (linked to an alarm or stand-alone) for vulnerable windows/patio doors. Please see the attached documents or for further advice go to – If you see anyone acting suspiciously near to your property please contact the police immediately with as detailed a description as possible of any person or vehicle involved. Please call 999 if an emergency and urgent police assistance is required or 101 to report the matter to the police. Kind Regards PC Kaiser-Ferris Prevention, Interventions and Partnerships Department Police Scotland Edinburgh Division AttachmentsGeneral Window security advice.doc - 758.3 KBHome Security Guide.pdf - 3,035.7 KBMessage Sent By Sonja Kaiser-Ferris (Police, Constable, Edinburgh)
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