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Wildflower Meadow

Thanks are due to all who have helped to clear the weeds and debris from the bank between the upper path by Heriots playing field and the lower cycle/walkway. There are currently two large mounds of debris awaiting the Council to come to remove them. The majority of the area is quite bare but it is being left fallow to allow any shoots from missed roots to appear and weed seeds to germinate before preparing for sowing and planting of plants to encourage insects, etc.

Already in place and whose flowers have attracted passers-by to smell and photograph is Viburnum x bodnantense. That has a ring of snowdrops round it. Daffodils planted a few years ago are appreciated. More recently a Philadelphus was planted which will have fragrant white flowers in early summer. For early pollen gatherers, a dwarf shrubby willow, Salix; is surrounded by spring snowflakes. Leucojum vernum, is close-by the steps. To the south side of the steps, dense clumps of snowdrops rescued from elsewhere, have been divided and planted in a drift.

Seeds of wild flowers have been sown in modular trays to be planted when large enough as well as a number of herbaceous perennials.

Although nettles and willowherb which are food plants for insects have been removed, there are plenty more growing nearby.

Bill Tait

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