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Police Scotland After Dark Campaign

Advice to Prevent Housebreaking

This Message is Distributed on Behalf of Police Scotland.

Police Scotland are launching our annual national 'After Dark' campaign on Monday 11th October 2021. The campaign will run until Monday 25th October 2021 and is designed to raise awareness around home security.

In particular we are reminding homeowners to make their home appear occupied during the early evenings as the darker nights set in.

A house that looks unoccupied can become a target for criminals.

There are some simple things a householder can do to make their home less of a target. These include ensuring windows and doors are locked, fitting outside security lighting and using timer switches on some internal lights.

Attached is a leaflet providing some useful hints and tips around home security.

Message Sent By Mark Armstrong (NHWN, Community Support Officer, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland)

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