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Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Scam Share & Cyberscotland Bulletin June

Scam Share and CyberScotland Bulletin The following links contain the latest advice, news and support relative to scams, cyber security and cyber resilience. Trading Standards Scotland Scam Share Bulletin Topics this week include: Scams Awareness Fortnight Doorstep Scams HMRC Tax Credit Scams Warning Holiday Scams Census Scams Investment Scams Illegal Puppy Dealer Jailed Child Safety Week Meal Kit Scam Texts Business Cyber Attacks Product Safety CyberScotland Bulletin – June 2021 Topics this month include: Protect your online streaming accounts HMRC Tax Credit Scam Protect your organization with Cyber Essentials WhatsApp Scam and more Please help others by sharing this information as much as possible.

Message Sent By Willie Clark (NHWN, National Co - ordinator, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland)

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