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Garden Info

Front gardens Competition


This year, the Warriston Front Gardens will be judged during the first part of August. There is no need to apply to enter as ALL gardens will be looked at. A small prize is awarded to the winner who has not won in recent years.



Community Garden


Between the footpath by Heriots playing field and the lower walkway/cycle path, interesting plants to see are the ‘Dame’s violet’, Pink campion, and white dead nettles, all attractive to insects. Growing higher and erectly are teasles. These are biennial plants which in their first year make a rosette and after winter, they shoot away. These are beginning to produce their cone shaped inflorescences, attractive to insects and then their seeds feed birds later in the autumn.

You may spot the Hebe with its narrow drooping racemes packed with white flowers. Larger is a Philadelphus with fragrant flowers. Up on the railings, two Clematis are being trained. Clematis montana has already flowered and the first signs of the yellow ‘lemon peel’ flowers of the later ‘'Clematis ‘Bill Mackenzie’ are appearing. These will be followed by fluffy white balls of seeds.  Bill Mackenzie was a supervisor at the Royal Botanic Garden in the 1930s and a founder member of the Scottish Rock Garden Club.

Many of the plants have been donated which is greatly appreciated, thank you. Unfortunately, two which were bought were stolen by someone who thought that only they should be the sole owner and not the Community as a whole.

Bill Tait   

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