Local resident Bill Tait has assessed the neighbourhood front gardens, and it’s fair to say that he considers them a blooming success! Here, he announces his findings:-
I visited all the gardens in early June. Then on the 25th, accompanied by Norman Jack, I revisited those with the highest scores. We considered the diversity, floral displays, lawns and tidiness. The gardens that achieved at least seven points out of 10 were as follows:-
Warriston Avenue…Numbers 16, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38 and 48.
Warriston Drive…Numbers 1, 15 west, 21, 30, 40, 41, 44, 46 and 48.
Warriston Gardens…Numbers 18, 29, 30, 31, 35 and 37.
Warriston Grove…Number 11.
Warriston Terrace…Numbers 19, 20, 37 and 47.
Inverleith Row…Number 102.
Well done to all who help to make Warriston a pleasant place in which to live. No garden is allowed to win in successive years. It has been a pleasure to do the judging, and the winners for 2021 are Neil and Michelle Thomson (pictured, above) from Warriston Drive.