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Fireworks Regulations

New Regulations - Fireworks

The following information has been circulated on behalf of Building Safer Communities, Scottish Government.

From 30th June new regulations come into force which restrict the times of day and the volume of fireworks that can be supplied to the public - as well as the times fireworks can be set off.

The times of day that fireworks can be used by the public is restricted to between 6pm – 11pm, with a number of exempt dates set out in the regulations such as Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali, when they can be used later in the evening.

The times of day fireworks can be supplied to the public is restricted to during the daytime hours of 7am and 6pm, alongside existing requirements on retailers around sale and storage licences.

The quantity of fireworks that can be supplied to the public is limited to 5kg at any one time.

Read more about how the new measures impact the use of fireworks

Read more about how the new measures impact the supply of fireworks

Message Sent By Willie Clark (NHWN, National Co - ordinator, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland)

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