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Door to Door Seller

Dear all, Police Scotland has been made aware of problematic door to door traders in the South West and South East areas of Edinburgh. Descriptions as below: Male, white, beard, 5'6, late 20's, blue joggers, black puffa jacket, Liverpool accent Male, white, 30's, cap, dark tracksuit, large Reebok duffel bat, scottish accent Some of these may be trading lawfully, however please know that any person attending at your door attempting to sell goods requires to be in possession of a current Pedlar Certificate as per the Pedlars Act 1871. If unknown persons attend at your door, use your door chain (if available) and ask to see their Pedlars Certificate on every occasion. Pedlar Certificates are issued to eligible candidates by the Police and entitle the holder to act as a Pedlar anywhere within the UK. Should the Pedlar not be able to provide a certificate when asked, he may be committing an offence. Please contact Police on 101, or 999 in an emergency, if you have any concerns. Please also find attached general Bogus Workmen advice. Kind Regards, PC Kaiser-Ferris Prevention, Intervention and Partnerships Department Edinburgh Attachmentsdoorstep_crime_campaign_leaflet_0007_20_ca.pdf - 1,846.0 KBMessage Sent By Sonja Kaiser-Ferris (Police, Constable, Edinburgh)To reply or forward this email please use the buttons below or these links: Reply, Rate, Forward / Share.To login to your account, click here, To report a fault, click here

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